A National Coaching Certification Program Number (NCCP#) is your coach education profile. All NCCP coach training and education you take is recorded through an online database called The Locker. Your training from every sport and at every context is recorded here. As well, professional development (PD) training can also be recorded here. In order to take an NCCP module you will need an NCCP#.
The Coaches Association of Ontario (CAO) provides resources, education, development, support, and recognition for coaches of all sports. The CAO hosts an annual coaches conference, provincial coaching awards, coach funding and mentorship programs, and other coach relative initiatives. The CAO delivers all NCCP multisport theory coaching modules within the province.
Over the last forty years, coaching in Canada has been developed jointly by the federal and provincial governments through the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP). This coaching education program is developed and delivered through a partnership of the federal, provincial and territorial governments, the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) and the National Sport Organizations (NSOs). To date, over 1 million coaches have participated Canada-wide (and approximately 35% or over 300,000 of those coaches are from Ontario).
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